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The first thing it requires us to pay attention to what is the tank to create a DFO death knight talent (H3T) Holy Trinity. The first layer of each tree has a 5-point talent, t

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Radīšana: 26/05/2010 05:18
Atjaunināt: 05/10/2010 05:37
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DFO Guide for Death Knight Tanking Talents and Glyphs:

dfo :: DFO Guide for Death Knigh

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: DFO Guide for Death Knight Tanking Talents and Glyphs: - 26/05/2010 05:18

DFO Guide for Death Knight Tanking Talents and Glyphs:
The first thing it requires us to pay attention to what is the tank to create a DFO death knight talent (H3T) Holy Trinity. The first layer of each tree has a 5-point talent, this is a simple passive tanks and very precious lovers. They are:

Toughness: standardized tank armor fans. It makes you at the helm, shoulders, cloak, chest, wrist, gloves, belt, legs and armor contribution. Boots 2/4/6/8/10%. That it will not increase neck armor, rings, jewelry, or weapon(DF online gold), it does not increase the armor pieces of gear listed above, if a green armor value.

In order to find the armor bonus is not increased by this prize, as long as the same slot to find another piece, and the level of the same project, and find value in the armor difference. Armor is standardized so that each level(DFO powerleveling) of the same item, slot items, and armor will not exactly the same armor bonus.

Forecast: Dodge bonus standard tanks. Let the dead knight 1/2/3/4/5% extra chance to dodge. This is added to the base and opportunities for Dodge not subject to diminishing returns. It also does not affect the decline of national defense or dodge rating or agility, from the equipment, gems and enchants.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: FAQ Guide to DFO (1) - 23/07/2010 03:14

Q. You have said that talent <X> or <Y> was not any good for raiding, but it is still good for soloing / 5-manning / PvPing, right?

A. Perhaps, but this DFO guide is written for Warriors(Dungeon Fighter Online gold) that start raiding in WotLK, not with any of the above goals in mind.

Q. Is rage really less of an issue in WotLK?

A. With the high proc rate of SaB, Glyph of Revenge, Glyph of Heroic Strike and 3/3 Imp HS, as well as our much higher dps, rage really is less of an issue now. Unless Blizz seriously nerfed our rage production more than we are used to now, but we have not seen signs of that. We provide DFO powerleveling for you.

Q. Why is Puncture suddenly less good?

A. The thing with Puncture is mostly the opportunity cost of it. Obviously the points for Puncture would have to be taken out of another talent, and for one thing there are just too many better talents to spend those points. You will use Devastate far less in WotLK then you did in TBC and the rage reduction on Puncture, it will not provide you with a lot of rage even in the longest of fights. In itself Puncture is still slightly useful, it's just a shame we can not spend more than 71 talent points in DFO.


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: DFO buy the game and method of the proxy server settings - 05/10/2010 05:37

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